Posts Tagged ‘photo’
Modří skokani – Blue Moor Frogs – Rana arvalis
I know this is not a dragonfly but I've been looking for these blue guys couple years already, and last Saturday I finally succeeded. To justify publishing them on dragonfly site it is fair to say that 1) they eat dragonflies and 2) they were on a pond where Leucorrhinia rubicunda & pectoralis appear later in the spring in great numbers :-). Read the rest of this entry »
Erythromma lindenii – šidélko Lindenovo je v Čechách
It seems that in Czechia, Blue-eye / Goblet-marked Damselfly is far more common than previously thought. Read the rest of this entry »
Za bělonoskou ocasatou (vulgo vážkou širokou, Lecorrhinia caudalis) do Němec
A phototrip to Saxony for Lilypad Whiteface (Leucorrhinia caudalis) Read the rest of this entry »
Jasnoskrvnné repro
Copulation of Yellow-spotted Whiteface (Leucorrhinia pectoralis) from every angle Read the rest of this entry »
Pozvánka na výstavu mých letovek
Exhibition of my DIFs (Dragonfly-In-Flight) shots starts Apr 9 2013 5:30pm at Malá galerie vědeckého obrazu, MFF UK, Prague. Read the rest of this entry »
Šidélko ruměnné vyhrálo
My photo of Large-Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) won in BDS competition. Read the rest of this entry »
Letošní konec léta byl ve znamení šídel pestrých (Aeshna mixta)
This summer, Migrant Hawker (Aeshna mixta) has been my most frequent DIF target. Read the rest of this entry »
Among this year additions to my "dragonfly checklist" there is one species which not that rare but I just missed it last years - Sombre Goldenring (Cordulegaster bidentata) Read the rest of this entry »
Letovky ve stínu
Difs taken in a shadow - Migrant Hawker (Aeshna mixta) Read the rest of this entry »