Posts Tagged ‘dragonflies’

Epitheca bimaculata – splněno! Ale s podtitulem: byla to blbárna.

Eurasian baskettail (Epitheca bimaculata) - a new addition to my checklist Read the rest of this entry »

Nejmenší a z nejvzácnějších – šidélko lesklé (Nehalennia speciosa) na druhé lokalitě v Čechách / European smallest and one of the rarest – Sedgling – found on the second locality in Czechia

In 2014, a new locality of Pygmy Damslefly - Sedling, was found in Czechia. This discovery has raised the number of know Czech populations by 100%. Read the rest of this entry »

Za hrdinou do Chřibů – Cordulegaster heros / Meeting with Cordulegaster heros

Cordulegaster heros in Chřiby, South Moravia, recent (2009) addition to Czech odonatofauna. Read the rest of this entry »

Poznáte vážky? 2 / Do you know dragonflies well? No.2

Do you know dragonflies well? A short quiz to recognize dragonflies by a shape. Read the rest of this entry »


Lesser Emperor ( Anax parthenope) has been my dreamed photographic target for this season, but I had been failing to meet it until I visited a real "parthenopeland" at Droužkovice, near Chomutov (North Bohemia). Read the rest of this entry »

Erythromma lindenii – šidélko Lindenovo je v Čechách

It seems that in Czechia, Blue-eye / Goblet-marked Damselfly is far more common than previously thought. Read the rest of this entry »

Za bělonoskou ocasatou (vulgo vážkou širokou, Lecorrhinia caudalis) do Němec

A phototrip to Saxony for Lilypad Whiteface (Leucorrhinia caudalis) Read the rest of this entry »

Jasnoskrvnné repro

Copulation of Yellow-spotted Whiteface (Leucorrhinia pectoralis) from every angle Read the rest of this entry »

Kordulčino vylíhnutí

An emergence of Downy Emerald (Cordulia aenea) Read the rest of this entry »

Pozvánka na výstavu mých letovek

Exhibition of my DIFs (Dragonfly-In-Flight) shots starts Apr 9 2013 5:30pm at Malá galerie vědeckého obrazu, MFF UK, Prague. Read the rest of this entry »